Trainingym Balance & BalancePRO
Smart Scale with 8 Electrodes BalancePRO

More data, more improvement
Now your customers will be able to keep a more detailed record of their body composition, as the new BalancePRO is capable of measuring by body segments.

Trainingym Balance
Do you want people enrolled in your center to be able to measure their progress and achieve their goals? Make it easy for them with this smart body analysis scale.

Trainingym BalancePRO
All the power of Trainingym Balance... now even more pro! With this smart scale with 8 electrodes, you can measure by segments, analyzing everything from weight to the muscle mass of each arm.
Which Balance suits you best?
Choose the scale that best fits your fitness center and start succeeding now!
Trainingym Balance
To let your customers know if they are achieving their goals, nothing beats a bioimpedance scale! We have the best selection for you.
It will also allow them to sync all their information with your business's app, so their satisfaction will improve and they will want to stay longer at your center.

Trainingym BalancePRO
This advanced smart scale with 8 electrodes allows your customers to measure their body composition by segments, giving them a complete and accurate view of their physical condition.
With detailed measurements of body fat, weight, visceral fat, bone mass, water percentage... your customers will have access to a much more detailed record in their app.